Saturday, May 10, 2014

Your Mother's Day Genes

Happy Mother's Day

Happy and Healthy Mother's Day! Where would any of us be without our mother?!!
On this day, we especially thank them for all they have done from bringing us into this world,
to teaching, guiding, and giving us unconditional love. Of course, they also  pass on their genes!

This Mother's Day will be my 19th year since my first diagnosis and I began participating (running or walking) in the Komen Race for the Cure 5k that is held every Mother's Day in Philadelphia. With my 3 sons and husband by my side, my family has always been so supportive of this morning 'for me'. Little did they (we) realize back then, this race would also play a role for them directly with the possibility they too as a male, could be diagnosed with breast cancer.

While enjoying your time with your mother (and father) this Sunday, make it a point to ask some questions about your family medical history. Whether you're male or female, it's important to know if family members have been diagnosed with breast, ovarian, prostate, pancreatic, melanoma or other cancers. Educate all family members that cancer knows no gender and yes, men can be diagnosed with breast cancer. If you learn of these cancers linked to one side of your family, consider having genetic testing. The BRCA genetic mutation often stems from Eastern Europe and is prevalent in the Ashkenazi Jewish decent. Today the BRCA gene mutation is found all over the world in women and men.

I began running in this event 19 years ago because it touched me, my mother and my maternal aunt. It wasn't until my 3rd diagnosis did I discover that I am a BRCA2 carrier of the mutation. Fortunately sharing my information with my brothers, probably saved my brother Harvey's life. After noticing shooting pain in his breast area, he did not hesitate to see his doctor only to be diagnosed with male breast cancer. As well, our sons are educated, aware and proactive and we assist with helping others to learn more from our nonprofit organization we began called HIS Breast Cancer Awareness. We are also looking forward to being a part of an important documentary, Pink&Blue. This past April, Harvey, my mother and I have had our breast screenings and thankfully we are all clean!

This Mother's Day, I continue to walk for myself, my brother, our mother (89 years old), our aunt (98 years old) and other loved ones along side of my beautiful (inside and out) school girlfriends as well "with" our amazing Lori. Lori and I will walk the steps together this year as survivors and join her team of Iron Butterflies.

We are all very blessed to be survivors, to be healthy today and most importantly, enjoying this Mother's Day. We all know far too many who have not been as fortunate and we walk 'for' them with heavy hearts. If you would like to make a donation in someone's honor or memory, please visit our web site here;

My family is growing as I now have 2 daughters (in law) with my first grandchild on the way! And I will get to spend this weekend with all of them, the perfect gift! 

Wishing you all a very Happy and most importantly, Healthy Mother's Day.
Give and Get The Gift of Education.

Modah Ani- I Am Thankful

Editor; Vicki Singer Wolf

Co-founder; HIS Breast Cancer Awareness

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